Life.. Happiness Deterrent

What makes you happy? Its many things to many people:
  • Money
  • Women
  • Alcohol
  • Drugs
  • Social Situations

For me its so simple ... Piece of mind.

October has been a very stressful month for me & its not a good look for the end of the year. Several court dates, possible termination of employment, almost losing someone special to me.

I recently took a trip to Miami & I was hoping this would bring me some joy for at least a week. Boy not with my luck. My main reason of going was to somehow rekindle the magic I had the previous year with a special person. Her smile calms me down & gives me that piece of mind. Well safe to say we weren't on the same page, avoidance was made & stress ensued. All I wanted was a lil alone time & not for what you would think (pervs). One party felt actions didn't match the words being said & the other felt honesty of feelings might just put us on track. Conversation was had & I thought shit was cool but perception isn't reality...

Then I took a short trip to Georgia to see my family. That was cool. Saw my sis, my aunt, my cuz, my lil cuz (such a lil lady & so cute). Fun was had laughs were made til... I decide to contact am old friend on AIM just to see how she's doing. Well my luck she gives me information that literally made me want to punch her in the face. I will save that tidbit for another time since I am still upset about it but safe to say it ruined my day, week & possibly life.

Then I come home to see the ones Ive missed.. had plans, those failed. Go to work and find out that my manager is plotting to have me removed from my job. I mean WTF can I have one piece of my life go right this month. What kind of manager, let alone adult talk behind a colleagues back to plots & scheme to get them fired. If you have an issue with me just tell me. Then I got HR asking me bout my arrest. Damn who wants to be me??

I know life isn't fair and every obstacle is a lesson learned but '09 was great til 10/1. All I want is a lil happiness but it doesn't seem anytime soon or at least til this fucking month is over...