Criminal Minded

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with a person who seems to not be able to stay out of jail/the system. I use the term opportunity loosely cuz I was incarcerated for 3.5 hours of my life unfortunately.

I always asked the question: Why do people keep doing the things that land them in jail? When I sat in that cell all I could think is when am I getting out & how do I proceed from now on to never return. I had always thought that maybe they are used to jail/prison life and cant function on the "outside". I mean America punishes its criminals harshly. Beyond rapidly rising rates of imprisonment, offenders leave jail or prison only to be subjected to a variety of continuing restrictions, some lasting for life. In certain cases these restrictions reflect reasonable concerns. Who, for example, would argue that convicted child molesters should be allowed to work in schools or day-care centers? But many other restrictions on ex-offenders seem aimed more at extending punishment than serving society. Take the Higher Education Act of 1998, which bars ex-felons from eligibility for Pell Grants, the largest type of federal student loans. How can ex-offenders build better lives for themselves if they are not allowed to compete for the same kinds of educational opportunities as everyone else? So why not return to the place that has housed you for an extended period with food water shelter, no bills no concerns?

But these reasons are for harsh offenders who do serious time. I asked the dude who was booked with me what got him in there & subsequently on his way to Rikers possibly for more than 3 months. This dude is a career misdemeanor. He keeps stealing from retail drug stores. While in there he lets me know that he has a wife & child.
So I ask why? He tells me he just cant help himself even though she said if he gets knocked again don't come home. Risk not seeing the woman you love & your child for a few dollars that can be made working a job that he thinks is a waste of time. That's one of the problems in America, certain jobs are looked at as to below some standards. We make fun of hardworking immigrants who come here and do the jobs that we don't want to do, that's beneath us but yet go to same restaurant or cleaner they work at. Without them who would bus your table or fold your Rock & Republic jeans??? Those people are doing what they need to do to survive & take care of theirs. Maybe you should. Damn off a tangent again.

To end this I'm happy I was able to ask this dude these questions cuz it allows me to know the thought process that goes on in some criminal minds. Maybe one day I will be able to sit down with a person who did hard time.... hopefully I'm not locked up wit him... Ya dig!