Jealousy Warranted

Now I'm the kind of guy that goes with the flow and sees things as they are.
So I write this post as I am at work and involves a person at my job. Now I'm all for some good natured flirting and such since I am single. But should the women on the other side of this transaction be partaking???

Now everyone knows what goes down in the minds of men but what they don't know is what goes down in the minds of women is so much worse.
There is a particular woman at my job who I am attracted to you and certain she is attracted to me. This woman is currently in a relationship. I have met her boyfriend (He doesn't like me for good reason). She tells me when things go wrong and right with him. Guess I'm a her shoulder to lean on. Now that said I have told her what my intentions with her are. She has said she is not looking for that but continues to call me her Sexy Chocolate. We hug we hold we...

Now if her boyfriend got wind of this dude would flip out but it wouldn't bother me cuz I owe him nothing. The only problem is she would blame me and our work relationship would suffer. Not to mention as i said before she confides in me, she does not trust her boyfriend what so ever. Now should she change her relationship with me or him cuz its obvious she does not like him as much she says she does.

Now I think she dates this guy just cuz he was the guy to give her attention at the time and once a chick makes you her man she will do whatever it takes to make that relationship work. Women naturally don't like break ups. They avoid it like the plague. Which is why women continue to date men who cheat on them, beat them & use them. Well the naive ones at least.

So should she change the way we interact or should she continue the hypocrisy of complaining to me bout her BF but allow me to get closer and closer to my goal?


100K said...

-Dont put your dick anywhere near the cash register.

-You know btter than to talk to chicks with BFs. It's a no go.

-She just wants male attention so when her BF fucks her around, she can feel better. You're not her man so you dont owe her anything.

-She dumb for messing with a dude she cant trust.

-I wouldnt trust her one bit either...if she'll leave him for you.....

New Money said...

all valid points
but i will say if i fuck her doesnt affect my money cuz they'll let her go b4 me
2ndly chix wit men r better cuz u get the buns n her man gets da headache
lastly never trust a female period if she not wifey

100K said...

foul slouch

New Money said...

only one way to be and dats jus 2 be me